Likely Loans

Likely Loans - Mobile Header

Likely Loans

Making personal finance fairer for all

Oakbrook Finance likes to do things differently. Wanting to lend money in a way that works for borrowers, they launched Likely Loans to make personal loans clear, simple and accessible to those that need them.

With the brand operating in an infamously unscrupulous and competitive market, we were approached to help it get a word in edgeways. Through a brand-led campaign, we helped Likely Loans cut-through the unethical competition while keeping its conscience intact.

Likely Loans - Brand Idea
Likely Loans - Billboard Advert
Likely Loans - Digital Devices
Likely Loans - 6 Sheet Advert
Likely Loans - App
Likely Loans - Website Application

“Recognising the need to showcase Likely Loans as a fair and responsible lender, the campaign’s core proposition and engaging design language struck the perfect tone for the target audiences”.

Oliver Bingham

Strategy & Marketing Director, Cubic