
Borderfields - Logo Banner
Borderfields - Mobile Header


Sowing seeds for growth

The Borderfields story began in 2005 when a group of local farmers from both sides of the English-Scottish border came together to create a premium cold pressed rapeseed oil from their crops. But, after a promising start, sales plateaued.

Borderfields recognized the need to update its brand if it was to get listed in major supermarkets, so approached us to develop a new identity that did justice to its range of innovative and tasty products.

Borderfields - Bottle
Borderfields - Brand Idea
Borderfields - Website - Newspaper
Borderfields - Product Range
Borderfields - Number 1
Borderfields - Vehicle Livery
Borderfields - Jon Hammond
Borderfields - The Whole Oil
Borderfields - Dressings Range
Borderfields - Jon Hammond Quote
Borderfields - Illustration 1
Borderfields - Fish

“Since Cubic’s rebrand, our products have taken pride of place on the shelves of the top four supermarkets. Borderfields is turning into the success story that it really deserves to be.”

Ben Guy

Managing Director, Borderfields