ONYX Insight

Onyx Insight - Condition Monitoring - Mobile Header

ONYX Insight

Confidence through clarity

ONYX Insight is a global leader in wind turbine analytics and engineering. With ambitions to build a more efficient future by becoming the world’s most innovative provider of predictive maintenance technology solutions, ONYX recognised that parts of their brand and communications weren’t doing its offer justice. We were tasked with developing a creative campaign for their Condition Monitoring Services offering that demonstrated ONYX’s ongoing commitment to supporting its customers, put clear water between itself and its competitors’ offers and set new standards for how the brand approaches creative, marketing and campaign projects.

Onyx Insight - Condition Monitoring - Proposition
Onyx Insight - Condition Monitoring - Messaging
Onyx Insight - Condition Monitoring - Photography 2

Showcasing a constant flow and liquid-like fluidity, the data flow animation was used as a golden thread across all communications – knitting the story of ONYX’s Condition Monitoring Services together neatly, and giving communications both visual interest and genuine meaning.

With the brand’s existing identity off limits, but with the need for new visual language to be introduced, we explored ways that we could expand its expression – applying creativity and common sense to develop ideas and design solutions that could communicate the campaign strategy with conviction.

Onyx Insight - Condition Monitoring - Mobile
Onyx Insight - Condition Monitoring - Photography 3

From wind turbines to employees at work, the modern styling and compositions of the brand’s new photography – shot by Ben Statham and art directed by ourselves – gave the campaign an entirely new flavour and feel, something the main ONYX brand has now started to incorporate into its wider marketing and communications.

Onyx Insight - Condition Monitoring - LinkedIn Posts

The campaign’s rollout was multichannel and included everything from social media to email, web design to thought leadership creation.

Onyx Insight - Condition Monitoring - Adverts

“After deciding to invest significantly in creative for the first time, we needed a partner that could work through a range of ideas and evolve them into something that truly reinforces and propels who we are. Cubic has delivered just that – exceeding our expectations coming into the project by pushing our existing brand standards to new heights.”

Jake Howard

Senior Marketing Manager, ONYX Insight